Edward W. Lovato
Sandoval County Probate Judge
1st Term, Elected November 2022
Seat Term January 2023 - December 2026
Next Election for this seat is Nov. 2026
Hours of Operation
Monday through Thursday:
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Fridays: 8:00 a.m -12 noon
*The Probate Court is closed for the lunch hour from 12-1 p.m. for lunch.
Address & Telephone
Sandoval County Probate Court
1500 Idalia Rd., Bldg. D
PO Box 40
Bernalillo, NM 87004
Tel: (505) 867-7645
Fax: (505) 867-6699
Probate Court
Welcome to the Sandoval County Probate Court, a court of limited jurisdiction that oversees informal, uncontested probate matters. The goal of the Sandoval County Probate Court is to provide customers with an expeditious and cost-effective process to probate the estate of a deceased loved one in a user-friendly environment.
Our Services Include:
- Probating the estates of deceased persons
- Probating wills, if any
- Appointing Special Administrators
- Providing information about estates through the court
- Officiating wedding ceremonies
The court also provides information to title companies and others via telephone, email and in person. The court is in a unique position to answer questions about the probate process and the court for pro se applicants and others in a user-friendly environment. Without providing legal advice, the court provides general information regarding the Probate Code, court files and practice before the court. Directing people to the appropriate place is also a vital function of the court, creating a positive image of both the court and Sandoval County government.
The staff at the Probate Court is NOT permitted to provide any LEGAL ADVICE or legal services.*
Court Staff is prohibited from:
- Assisting customers in filling out individual forms. Can only give general instructions regarding what forms to include and types of information required.
- Offering forms other than those approved by the NM Supreme Court.
- Interpreting, creating, or filling out any kind of deed or transfer of property.
- Determining the distribution of assets.
- Explaining court orders from our court and other courts.
- Providing personal or legal advice regarding denying or paying claims.
- Determining whether to close a case.**
- Other recommendations on case matters, dealing with parties or giving advice on how to proceed on a case or properly administer an estate.
It is highly recommended that you seek competent legal advice on any of these matters. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
*NM Supreme Court rule prohibiting legal advice NMRA 23-113.
**There are significant legal consequences to determining when to close an estate and to submit an affidavit of full administration. Therefore, it is recommended that parties seek competent legal advice before proceeding.
Sandoval County Probate Court is located at 1500 Idalia Rd, Building D, Administration Building First Floor.