About Jennie Taylor
Jennifer A. Taylor has been a Sandoval County resident and taxpayer for over two decades and has ancestral New Mexican roots. She has been married for over 25 years and is a mother of two.
She has served in numerous leadership roles within her community to include 20 years of volunteer work with children’s ministry. Taylor also has a professional background as a Licensed Private Investigator, Legal and Paralegal services, Special Master Foreclosure auctions, Professional Office Management and Operations Management. She was the first in her family to run for public office. Taylor has been working in the Sandoval County Treasurer’s Office since November 2017 and was appointed as Chief Deputy Treasurer in February 2019. She was elected Sandoval County Treasurer in November 2020 and has cultivated a great staff of professionals on her team to be customer service driven and dedicated County employees.
Taylor has earned her Certified Public Official and Certified Treasury Official designations from New Mexico State University’s NM EDGE program that focuses on Financial and Treasury competencies.
Jennifer “Jennie” Taylor has organized several successful community outreach programs to help support families across Sandoval County.