Daniel J. Beaman
Phone: 505-867-7617
Email: dbeaman@sandovalcountynm.gov

Contact Us

For All Other Information:
Phone: 505-867-7628
Email: P&ZMain@SandovalCountynm.gov

Hours of Operation -
Department Availability

Monday through Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm

What We Do

The Planning and Zoning Department processes zone changes, conditional uses, variances, text amendments, subdivisions and other activities regarding land use in the unincorporated areas of the County for consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission/Board of County Commission. The department also oversees addressing, which assigns street names and addresses. Note that Sandoval County (SC) does not issue building permits for construction but does process State of NM Construction Industries Division (CID) and Manufactured Housing Division (MHD) permit applications for the unincorporated areas to verify compliance with SC Ordinances and Regulations.
Planning and Zoning Organizational Chart

How We Serve You

Landowners are encouraged to visit with Planning and Zoning Department staff prior to considering development or subdivision of a property. This will ensure that the property has the appropriate zoning and that all rules and regulations are followed.

Real Property

Tired of paying taxes on property you do not want? For more information, email land@sandovalcountynm.gov

Our department manages Real Estate and Right of Way activities through research, negotiation and acquisition that supports and advances Sandoval County.

Following is a link to our Real Estate Holdings:

County Owned Property Interactive Map

Building Permits

Building permits for construction in unincorporated areas of Sandoval County are issued through the New Mexico Regulation & Licensing Department's Construction Industries Division (CID). Prior to the submittal of a building permit application to CID, a Zoning Compliance and Floodplain Determination Checklist must be submitted to Sandoval County P&Z to ensure all County regulations and requirements are fulfilled.

For construction performed by homeowners:   State Homeowner Building Permit Application (PDF)
For construction performed by contractors:      State Multi-Purpose Building Permit Application (PDF)
Zoning Compliance and Floodplain Determination Checklist:  Zoning Compliance and Floodplain Determination Checklist (PDF)

Addressing / GIS & Mapping / Utility Authorizations

An address is assigned as part of the review process for compliance with county regulations. Once the zoning compliance application is approved and you have had your property UPC number verified by the County Assessor’s Office, an address is assigned to your vacant property and utilities will be authorized. If you are on tribal land you will need to contact your tribal entity for addressing. The Planning and Zoning Department does not address tribal land.

For Sandoval County Geographic Information Systems (GIS) links: GIS & Mapping

Code Enforcement

If you would like to report a zoning code violation or public nuisance, please use our Code Enforcement Complaint Form or the Mobile App or submit a letter to the below address. All complaints must include the specific location and description of the alleged violation, and your address, e-mail, and phone number.

Planning & Zoning Department
Attn: Director
Sandoval County Administration Building
1500 Idalia Road, Building “D” 2nd floor
Bernalillo NM, 87004

Commercial & Industrial Development Review

The Commercial/Industrial Development Review Committee (C/IDRC) is the administrative reviewing body for proposed commercial and industrial projects (including public utility projects requiring Special Use zoning) within the unincorporated area of Sandoval County. The C/IDRC review procedure is coordinated through the County’s Planning & Zoning Department. The Sandoval County C/IDRC is comprised of staff from the Economic Development, Fire and Rescue, Planning and Zoning, and Public Works departments. Learn about the review procedures for this committee by clicking on the link below:

Floodplain Management / Drainage / Grading / Subdivisions

If you have questions concerning floodplain issues in the unincorporated area of the County or in the Village of Jemez Springs, please contact us at 505-867-7628 or email Planning & Zoning


If you are registering or renewing your Residential or Commercial business in a location within Sandoval County, or doing business in our jurisdiction from a primary location originating elsewhere, you will need a Business Clearance Letter from the Planning and Zoning Department. This letter certifies location, and that your property is properly zoned for your business. Following is the Business Clearance Letter form and associated Four Digit NAICS Codes listing (used to identify your business industry).

Business Clearance Letter
Four Digit NAICS Codes

Feel free to email your completed Business Clearance Letter form (or any questions) directly to: dbeaman@sandovalcountynm.gov | For further information contact us at 505-867-7617.

Legal Notices
P & Z Commission

Tuesday, March 11, 2025 - CANCELLED 
The previously scheduled Sandoval County Board of Planning and Zoning Commissioners meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. has been cancelled.
Notice of Cancellation



Notice: Pursuant to Sandoval County Planning & Zoning Commission Rules, Regulations and Procedures (Doc 25951)
– All documents and other tangible materials, excluding materials used only for demonstrative purposes at the hearing to facilitate witness testimony, should be submitted at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the hearing or meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission.”

Meeting Cancellations