Shawn Perry-Turner
Director of Marketing & Communications
(O) 505-867-7640
(M) 505-382-2753
EMAIL: Sperry-turner@sandovalcountynm.gov
What We Do
The Marketing and Communications Department endeavors to increase awareness and understanding between county government and the residents that it serves. This effort, designed to build a positive relationship among local governments, county residents, and area businesses, involves a multi-pronged communications plan to release accurate, timely news and messages across multiple platforms to residents, the public, employees, institutions, businesses, and media. This department shares information through news releases, feature articles, social media posts, and videos using print, broadcast, Internet, and social media outlets; text blasts; County website; and emerging trends in technology and communications.
This department also manages the Public Information Office (PIO) responsibilities and responds to news media inquiries for information. PIO provides transparency, education, and County information for the public through the use of news media outlets, the website, social media, public records, and other methods. Also, this department develops collateral and marketing pieces for the County and provides other marketing, advertising, and community relations support for all Sandoval County departments.