Wayne Johnson
County Manager
Phone: 505-867-7551
Email: wjohnson@sandovalcountynm.gov
What is the Role of the County Manager?
In Sandoval County, the County Manager oversees the day-to-day operations of the County and is directly responsible for implementing Sandoval County Board of County Commissioners policies and projects. To accomplish this, the County Manager leads a team of County Department Directors and key staff members.
The Department heads and key staff members that report directly to the County Manager include:
- Administration Executive Assistant and Administrative Assistant
- Community Services Department Director
- Detention Center Director
- Economic Development Director
- Finance Department Director
- Fire Department Chief
- Human Resources Department Director
- IT Department Director
- Planning & Zoning Department Director
- Marketing & Communications Director
- Public Works Department Director
The County Manager works diligently with all elected officals, department directors and key staff members to achieve all of the County's goals and objectives.
How is the County Manager selected?
The County Manager is selected and appointed by the five member Sandoval County Board of County Commissioners.
What is the Background of County Manager Johnson?
Wayne Johnson was named County Manager for Sandoval County in June of 2020. At the time, he had already served in government for over a decade starting his service with the ABQ Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority in 2011.
Johnson has helped guide an over $500 million county budget through the Great Recession of the 2000s. Also having been on both the elected and executive sides of county government, Johnson understands the unique relationship the County Manager has when it comes to working with the Board of County Commissioners.
“Whether it’s managing county employees; working with the public and media; collaborating with local businesses; dealing with the Governor, Legislature, and state agencies; or representing the Commission; I have the experience and passion to lead a Class A county,” Johnson said.
Besides having a diverse background in government that extends from being a Bernalillo County Commissioner to being Vice-Chair of the ABQ Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority, Johnson also has a great deal of experience in community endeavors.
Currently, Johnson is a member of the Kirtland Air Force Base Joint Land Use Committee and serves on the Executive Board of the Mid Region Council of Governments.
As far as education, Johnson has a Bachelor of University Studies from the University of New Mexico and has received numerous awards in the medium of video and television production.