Cassandra C. Herrera
Finance Director
Phone: 505-867-7544

What We Do

The Sandoval County Finance Department ensures the fiscal integrity of the County and its budgetary entities. It provides timely, accurate financial information for the effective and efficient management and operations of the County, and this includes Fiscal Policy recommendations. The Finance Department prepares and administers the County’s Annual Operating Budget as directed by the County Manager and approved by the Sandoval County Board of County Commissioners. Also, this Department is responsible for performing and completing the annual independent audit, which is required by the State Auditor’s Office.

How We Serve You

Under the leadership of its Director, this 11-person team performs a wide range of duties that include Payroll for county employees, Accounts Payable, Procurement & Fixed Assets reporting, the preparation of financial reports, and day-to-day postal functions. It also maintains official records for purchasing of goods and services in accordance with the State of New Mexico Procurement Code as well as complying with the standards established by the Governmental Accounting Standard Board (GASB) and those of Local Governments.
