Jayme Espinoza
Community Services Director
Phone: (505) 867-7556
Contact Info
Animal Care Services
Phone: (505) 867-7642
Community Health Services
Phone: (505) 867-2291
Prevention & Intervention Services
Phone: (505) 404-5870
Senior Services
Phone: (505) 867-7535
What We Do
Sandoval County’s Community Services Department serves as the public health and social services arm of the County, and provides a wealth of invaluable services guided by our mission of improving quality of life by providing those we serve with access to health care and social services. Our Department’s workforce of nearly 100 employees and approximately 250 volunteers are proud to serve over 70% of the County’s residents on an annual basis, and we do this as among our greatest of honors.
How We Serve You
The Sandoval County Community Services Division provides residents of Sandoval County with a number of programs and services, including Animal Care Services, Community Health Services (which includes the Health Care Assistance Program), Prevention and Intervention Services (which includes the Adult Misdemeanor Compliance Program, Behavioral Health Services and referrals, Juvenile Justice Services, and Permanent Supportive Housing Services), and Senior Services (which includes congregate and home delivered meals, center activities, transportation, in home services, case management, and the Senior Volunteer Program and more). Please click on the associated links to learn more!
Stakeholder engagement, oversight, and transparency are central values of the Community Services Department, and are achieved through a variety of Boards and Councils that include the Sandoval County Health Council, the DWI Task Force, the DWI Planning Council, the Juvenile Justice Advisory Board, the Senior Services Advisory Council, and the Pena Blanca Community Center Board. Should you ever wish to serve in such a capacity, please reach out to the respective program to learn more (see contact information contained on the left side of the page).