All Poll workers will be paid $100 for Training paid within 30 days following the date of election. Training Ranges between 4-6 Hours and is Mandatory. Please note people who only show up for training but do not serve as a poll worker will only be compensated $25.00 for the training 30 days after the election. If poll workers leave early from training they will not be given a certificate of completion and need to attend another training.
1-13-2. Post-election duties; missing returns.
A. If at the time the county canvassing board meets it appears that a precinct board [election board] has not delivered the election returns to the county clerk, the county canvassing board shall immediately issue a summons to bring before it the delinquent precinct board [election board] together with the missing election returns. The summons shall be served by the sheriff, without cost to the county, and the members of the precinct board [election board] shall not be paid for their service on election day.
B. If within ten days after the date of the election the secretary of state has not received the election returns of any precinct, the secretary of state may send a special messenger to the county and precinct to secure and convey the missing returns to the secretary of state.
$400 for Election Day & $24.00 an hour for Early Voting
$300 for Election Day & $20 an hour for Early Voting
$225 for Election Day & $18 an hour for Early Voting
Same Day Registration (SDR) Agent
$225 for Election Day & $18 an hour for Early Voting
$225 for Election Day & $18 an hour for Early Voting
$24.00 / HR
$20.00 / HR
$18.00 / HR
**Please note on Election Day you can exceed 16 hours of work.
Statutory Requirements
1-2-7. Election board; qualification of members; qualification of presiding judges; qualification of qualified residents.
A. In order to qualify for appointment by the county clerk as a member of the election board, a person shall:
- be a voter of the county in which the person is appointed to serve;
- be able to read and write;
- have the necessary capacity to carry out an election board member's functions with acceptable skill and dispatch; and
- execute the election board member's oath of office.
B. Before serving as a presiding judge of an election board, a person shall receive training in the duties of that position by the county clerk.
C. No person shall be qualified for appointment or service on an election board:- who is a candidate to be voted for at the election;
- who is a spouse, domestic partner, parent, child, brother or sister of any candidate to be voted for at the election;
- who is married to a parent, child, brother or sister of any candidate to be voted for at the election or who is the parent of the spouse or domestic partner of any candidate to be voted for at the election; or
- who is a sheriff, deputy sheriff, marshal, deputy marshal or state or municipal police officer.
- meet the qualifications set forth in Paragraphs (2) through (4) of Subsection A of this section; and
- be sixteen or seventeen years of age at the time of the election in which the qualified resident is serving as a member of an election board.
Election Technician / Messenger(s):
May deliver ballot boxes, poll books, keys, election supplies and other materials pertaining to the election. Messengers may also be authorized to collect absentee ballots and removable media storage devices from polling places and deliver them to locations designated by the county clerk.